Ramadan Update & Food Donation Program

AsSalamu alaykum brothers and sisters,

The ISD Board has decided that until further notice from the state government, the masjid will need to remain closed. We understand that we were all looking to congregational prayer, the community, and iftar dinners with our brothers and sisters. However, a masjid is as much its community as it is a facility, and we want to keep everyone safe.

That being said, we’ve decided that in lieu of iftar dinners that we will begin offering food boxes for those members of our community most in need. If you want to help us feed those most in need of support and financial assistance, we’ll be accepting donations specifically for the food drive. These boxes will be non-perishable items like rice, lentils, oils, canned vegetables, fish, or fruits that any individuals or families will need to prepare food for themselves during Ramadan. The masjid, as well as any volunteers in our community, will deliver these boxes to those in need.

At the link, please select “Ramadan Food Baskets” from the list of options and donate any amount you’d like. This donation will be used only for the food boxes for the less fortunate in our community. Once we’ve raised sufficient funds and purchased supplies, we will let you know when the food drive will begin.
